Monday, April 19, 2010

10 things: Numba One

1. The fact that I can't put an apostrophe in my URL annoys me a bit.
2. HE said, "BLAP"!
No, you can't say that. You can't even do that, it's an onomatopoeia.
3. I just spelled the word, "onomatopoeia" correctly first try. Up yours, every spelling bee ever.
4. If there was no such thing as apathy, there would be no suicides.
Because suicide is a result of depression, which is a result of one or many problems, which are the result of an inability to solve said problems.
And that inability is a product of apathy. Think about it.
5. So I was driving and I saw an electronic sign on the side of the road that said "Your Speed:" and then my speed.
I thought, "Funny, there's a similar device in the dashboard of my car"
6. I think it would be funny to cover up "Speed" on that sign with a sticker that says "Score".
That way, it would say "Your Score"
7. Here's a tip: When trying to court a woman- actually when trying to court anyone, don't talk about your cat.
Just don't do it.
8. I love foam soap and hand sanitizer.
9. If anyone ever uses the phrase, "Subatomic particles" in a sentence correctly, they should be given a college degree right then and there.
10. I want a fold-out room like in Hey Arnold